
If it’s underground…
We’ll find it.

The nature of any construction project means you’ve got enough to worry about – with the risk of hefty municipal fines (or equipment damage) as a result of hitting underground services. Working with Qondisa Scanning is a small price to pay for complete peace of mind, knowing you can drill horizontally or excavate your site with knowledge of where all services are underground. Our Ground Penetrating Radar efficiently maps out all underground pipes, cables, and beyond.

Our expert GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) analysts scan for various underground objects that could be present below the surface.

Locating Pipes

Locating Cables

Offers Depth & Direction
of the service

GIS AutoCad Drawing

Sub-Centimetre Accuracy

The Underground Utility Location Process

Once you get in touch with us, we can arrange a date to meet at your site and perform the scan. Once complete, we can head back to our office and compile a professional report and drawing - which we’ll send through to your team upon completion.

Hitting underground utilities can result in both hefty fines and serious equipment damage - not to mention potential injury and health risks to workers. Avoid this with a professional scan performed by time-tested industry experts.

GPR Public Utility Scanning

GPR Private Utility Services

Whether you’re excavating a property, drilling horizontally, or simply removing a tree, the process isn’t always as simple as we would like. Underground services often appear out of nowhere, making a GPR scan critical. We’ll locate and map out any present underground utilities, so you can dig or excavate knowing you won’t be faced with any unexpected surprises.

While there are plenty of underground utility location and mapping companies out there, few can match the turnaround times or precision provided by Qondisa. We deliver faster without compromising a thing, so you can continue your project without delays on concerns about hitting pipes or cables.

Why Qondisa?

We’re not happy until you are!

We only consider a job done once you have successfully completed your drilling or excavation process. When you work with Qondisa, you’re guaranteed to receive your map/drawing on time, so you can continue your project with confidence.